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person donating blood

Kublacon Game Convention Blood Drive

May 25 - May 27 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport 1333 Bayshore Highway BURLINGAME

Friday, May 25

Donate Make your appointment here for Friday, May 25

Saturday, May 26

Donate Make your appointment here for Saturday, May 26

Sunday, May 27

 Make your appointment here for Sunday, May 27

Learn more about donating blood

In 1976, only a few years after recovery from two years of extensive illnesses that prevented his final editing “cuts” of I Will Fear No Evil, Robert Heinlein put his own words into action. With the help of other science fiction devotees, including many well-known authors, he organized a blood drive at MidAmericon, the 34th World Science Fiction Convention. It was the first of many such blood drives and was the start of a tradition.

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I believe the idea that my blood could help save a life is so amazing. Even though I am not a trained medical professional, I can still make a positive impact on others.
Chris, Blood Donor