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Host a Blood Drive During National Blood Donor Month, Jan. 7 – 31.

The winter months bring several challenges for the blood supply. On average, 4,000 fewer donations are given in January due to the holidays, inclement weather and cold and flu season. For this reason and to encourage new donors to start giving, January was established as National Blood Donor Month in 1969. Blood drive coordinators serve a VITAL role in ensuring patients have the blood they need and encouraging new donors to donate.

Join us in safeguarding patient needs this January and get a special thank you!

Host a January Blood Drive


New Blood Drive Hosts

Host your FIRST blood drive with Vitalant*, receive a $25** Gift Card, redeemable via email. 

Existing Blood Drive Hosts

Host a blood drive* and engage at least 25% new donors, receive a $25** Gift Card, redeemable via email. 


  • The gift card offer is for blood drive coordinators hosting a drive Jan. 7 – 31.
  • A minimum of 12 red cell donations must be collected at the blood drive to qualify for the offer.
  • High schools hosting a blood drive Jan. 7 – 31, 2024 are not eligible for the new donor offer. New high school accounts hosting their first blood drive with Vitalant Jan. 7 – 31, 2024 may be eligible for the new account offer.
  • A qualifying blood drive coordinator will receive ONE gift card based on first-time donors OR being a new blood drive host. 
  • Redemption emails with instructions to claim your winter thank-you gift will be sent to the primary blood drive contact after Jan. 31, 2024.

*This information is for the purposes of this offer ONLY. Offers subject to change. A first-time or new donor is an individual with a first registration associated with a successful/completed blood donation at Vitalant. First-time donor rate is the percent of new donors with a successful blood donation at the blood drive compared to the total number of successful blood donations (all phlebotomy groups). A new account is an organization or group hosting their first on-site blood drive with Vitalant. Vitalant will audit new donor rates and new accounts after the program period ends. Some blood drive coordinators may qualify for additional Vitalant offers. Members of Vitalant’s mobile donor recruitment department do not qualify to receive the blood drive coordinator giveaways. Ad hoc requests may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Vitalant staff from other departments serving in the capacity of blood drive coordinator for drives in their community who meet the terms of this offer may be eligible. ONE blood drive coordinator per qualifying blood drive may receive the offer not to exceed one gift card. Redemption emails will be sent to the primary contact at the drive level in Vitalant’s production software at the time the blood drive is completed. A first name, last name, and email address are required to receive redemption emails. Recognition items will NOT be handed out at the blood drives. With questions, please contact your Vitalant representative.

**Restrictions apply; see Limit one $25 gift card per qualifying blood drive account.