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Welcome to our first Vital Connection of 2021!  The contents of this newsletter were crafted to both inspire and provide hope. We know that 2020 was a difficult year for every individual, business and organization. As we look to the future with hope and optimism, we are eager to reconnect with our valued partners through lifesaving blood drives this year.

With the COVID-19 vaccine now being distributed, we all look forward to life beginning to return to some type of familiarity and normalcy. In that hopeful spirit, Vitalant is looking ahead to schedule and host more on-site blood drives to provide convenient and accessible locations for donors searching for a way to support their communities.

We sincerely hope you will schedule two or more on-site blood drives in 2021.

If you are unable to host an on-site drive, we invite you to host a virtual blood drive. With a virtual drive, your colleagues, family, friends and other community contacts can give blood at any convenient Vitalant donation center or community blood drive while still donating on behalf of your organization.

Your dedication is key to ensuring vulnerable patients have the blood they need, every day. You bring hope to patients and their loved ones each and every time you host a blood drive.

I encourage you to contact your donor recruitment representative to schedule your blood drive today or visit to have a Vitalant representative contact you.

Thank you for doing your part and supporting those who need our help. Because of you, life doesn’t stop.

Article published for the Vital Connections newsletter.