Give Platelets, Help Cancer Patients
With a platelet donation you can have a powerful and immediate impact on a cancer patient’s life! Your platelet donation is transfused to a patient within a week and could help keep them alive. Platelets are most often used to help cancer patients, but also help patients with blood disorders or those undergoing open-heart surgery and organ transplants. Because platelets must be transfused within a week, platelet donors are constantly needed to keep the supply stable.
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What are platelets?
Platelets are our most delicate blood component, but they perform a vital job. They are tiny cells that help your blood clot when you are bleeding and constantly fix tears in your circulatory system. When platelets are low, serious or life-threatening bleeding can occur.
Join our donor recognition program!
With as few as two platelet donations, you can redeem points for electronically delivered gift cards to restaurants, movie theaters, retailers and more.
Ready to schedule your platelet donation?
Schedule your platelet donation online today and help a cancer patient.

Every 15 seconds someone in the U.S. needs platelets.

Who is helped
About 50% of all platelet donations go to help cancer patients.

Because platelets are so perishable, they can only be stored at room temperature, and must be transfused within a week.
Single Donor Platelet
Donating platelets is slightly different than a traditional whole blood donation. The process is called apheresis donation, an automated procedure in which whole blood goes into a machine that isolates and takes just the platelets, then returns the other blood components—plasma, red cells and white cells—back to the donor.
Donor Process
This procedure enables us to collect a higher-concentration of platelets (2-4 times more concentrated) compared to platelets collected during a whole blood donation. Actual donation time is about 2 hours. Throughout the donation process, a Vitalant donor specialist is there to assist you. You can use the internet, watch TV, or simply relax knowing that you are doing something incredible to help a seriously ill patient.
What are the eligibility requirements for platelet donation?
The ideal blood types for platelet donation are O+, A+, B+, AB+. Depending on the concentration of platelets in your blood, you even may be able to give a double or triple platelet donation during a single session. Your double or triple donation is safer for a seriously ill patient who needs multiple units. Eligibility requirements include but are not limited to: No testosterone within the last 24 hours; No aspirin within the last 48 hours; and other eligibility requirements.
What are the benefits of platelet donation?
You'll enjoy knowing you are helping a seriously ill patient feel stronger immediately after they receive your donation. A smaller needle is used and you may find you feel less fatigue after apheresis since the the rest of your blood is returned to you along with saline that aids hydration and lessens fatigue.
How often can you donate platelets?
Where can you donate platelets?
How do you prepare for platelet donation?
Schedule your platelet donation online or by calling us at 877-25-VITAL.