COVID-19 Antibody Testing Ended June 17, 2022
To see what your March 20 to June 17, 2022, antibody test results mean, visit this page.
To see what antibody test results mean on blood donations made between June 2020 and June 2021, visit this page.
Note: Vitalant did not test blood donations for COVID-19 antibodies between July 2021 and March 19, 2022.
Wondering about your COVID-19 antibody status?
The details:
- Plasma containing high levels of COVID-19 antibodies – called COVID-19 convalescent plasma – can give immunocompromised patients’ immune systems an extra boost to help fight the disease.
- Convalescent plasma can be collected from regular whole blood, platelet or plasma donations. Other blood components (red cells, platelets) can still help trauma victims, cancer patients or someone with another serious medical condition.
- In December 2021, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) updated the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for COVID-19 convalescent plasma with high antibody levels, specifying its use to treat immunocompromised COVID-19 patients.
- Antibody test results will display in your online donor account approximately 2 weeks after your completed donation. Information on how to access your online donor account is available here.
*Important information about the antibody test:
- This test only confirms COVID infection in the setting of prior symptoms and a positive test result from an FDA-authorized diagnostic COVID-19 PCR or Antigen oral/nasal swab test
- For people who have not had a positive diagnostic COVID-19 PCR or Ag oral/nasal swab test, this test provides partial evidence of COVID-19 infection only in those who have not been vaccinated. A different antibody test is required as an aid to diagnosis of COVID-19 in those who have been vaccinated.
- While rare overall, a false-positive VITROS Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG quantitative test result is uncommon with Reactive+ results, but possible with Reactive results.
- Higher reactivity has not been demonstrated to confer protection from future infection, but does qualify the donor for CCP donation, subject to additional FDA donor eligibility requirements.
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of test is used?
Vitalant blood donations are currently being tested for COVID-19 antibodies using the Ortho VITROS Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG Quantitative Reagent Pack.
After having COVID, how long do I need to wait before donating?
You can donate if you’ve had COVID-19 and have been symptom-free for 10 days and meet all other eligibility requirements.
I am not eligible to donate. Can I still get the antibody test?
Only completed donations used for patient transfusion are tested for COVID-19 antibodies.
How will my donation affect my COVID-19 antibody levels?
The human body contains about 10 pints of blood and about one pint is given with a blood donation. The antibodies within a blood donation are rapidly replaced by the immune system and will not affect the donor’s immune response to the virus that causes COVID-19 or its variants.