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Meet a Remarkable Blood Donor and Blood Drive Coordinator

Mandy started coordinating blood drives in 2016 but has donated blood for the past 22 years.

“It’s something simple I can do that doesn’t take much time but can save lives. I wish more people would at least try and realize it’s not as scary as they think.”

When asked what her favorite part of coordinating drives is, Mandy said:

“I love seeing new donors come in to donate at each of the drives and then get even more excited when they sign up for the next drive because they overcame their fear. They then become regulars that I count on to help me reach the drive goals. The need for blood is so high that if I can help by coordinating a drive, it’s well worth my time.”

Senior Account Manager Jessica Pierce added, “I could rave about Mandy all day. Her dedication to the blood drives is unmatched. She works so hard to fill the schedules and, more often than not, has the next blood drive’s schedule at least half full before the current one is even over. She often claims I spoil her when in reality, it’s me who is spoiled! Mandy supports our mission, and it’s truly such an honor to work with her.” 

As far as her successful blood drives go, Mandy insisted she can’t take all the credit.

“It’s those that are as passionate about donating as I am, that donate as often as they can to help those in need — those donors are just as important as those of us that coordinate the drives. Thank you to all of my donors. I can’t have successful blood drives without you!”

Mandy looks forward to her next drive in July: “I’ve got 71 donations in the books … here’s to the next 71!”

To our blood drive coordinators, thank you for being among the everyday heroes who make our lifesaving mission possible. Because of you, life doesn’t stop. 

Article published for the Vital Connections newsletter.