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Memory of Lost Patient Inspires Blood Drive Coordinator Sheri Earp to Save Lives for 50+ Years

When it comes to saving lives, it’s hard to find a coordinator more dedicated than Sheri Earp, the leader of the Pine/Strawberry community blood drive in Arizona. But it is easy to understand why she is so devoted. 

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Five Things NOT To Do Before Giving Blood

Giving blood is simple — just make an appointment, show up, and your donor care specialist will take care of the rest. But, are there things you need to stay away from? Learn more.

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Honor National Blood Donor Month with Your New Year's Resolution

On December 31, 1969, the U.S. president designated January as National Blood Donor Month (NBDM). The new monthly observance was meant to honor voluntary blood donors and to encourage more people to give blood at a time when more blood is needed.

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Patient Story: Meet Nicole

For patients like Nicole whose illness is chronic, the potential for a holiday and winter-related blood donation slump can be scary. After all, they rely on blood year-round to maintain their health. 

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Most Rare Blood Type

You may have heard the phrase “most rare blood type” and wondered what exactly that means. After all, how can a blood type be rare, and what exactly is the rarest blood type, if there even is one?

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Patient Survives Major Accident

The need for blood can happen in an instant. That’s why regular blood donation is so important. And no one will be more thankful for your generous gift than the hospital patients who need a transfusion…

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