Hospital Prepares for Trauma Season
‘It’s my lifeline:’ During worst blood shortage ever, hospital prepares for trauma season

Celebrating Volunteers This April
April is National Volunteer Month, and as blood drive coordinators, you already know the importance of volunteering. April is a great month to encourage your family, friends and coworkers to support your drives in new ways!

The Heat is On. Hospitals Need to Know Summer Blood Drives are on the Schedule
The need for blood drives and donations might sound routine, but hospitals need to know summer blood drives are on the schedule. As of the date of this article, there is a need for 3,000 more blood drives* May through August for Vitalant to meet the medical needs of patients and healthcare partners nationwide.

Why Is Blood Donation Important for Blood Transfusions?
Every year, millions of people in the U.S. receive lifesaving blood transfusions. So what exactly is a blood transfusion, anyway?

Pump It Up: A Guide to Giving Blood in 2023
Never donated blood before? There’s a first time for everything! Still, you probably know that blood is used all the time to help hospital patients, and transfusions take place constantly. Stick with us, and we’ll teach you everything you need to know about blood donation. Let’s start with …